Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Softball Was Fine, Everything Else is Dumb

Well, they put me in right field. Where else would you stick the new guy? I didn't totally suck. I even managed to hit the ball, catch it, and throw it - those basic motor functions that I'd had no faith in.

I can't believe it's been a week since I posted. I've meant to tell you so many things.

Year Zero (NIN) has refamiliarized me with alternate reality gaming, resulting in my utter disappointment. What horrible irony, having kids pretend to be part of an underground resistance that is really part of a coordinated marketing campaign. At least the music is pretty good, and the disc itself is hypercolor!

Allergies suck ass. Do does bronchitis, as well as the sinus infection.

I was shocked to see the first negative review I've ever seen on Amazon (not the user reviews, but the critic ones Amazon provides). Apparantly, don't buy the new Cold War Kids Album, because they're a great example of what's wrong with music today. Thanks for saving me money, Amazon!

I finally saw Dr. Strangelove. Don't you dare try to tell me that the underlying background premise of Spies Like Us wasn't a direct appropriation of the Kubrick film.

Well, it's not much, but that's me today. I've been having nightmares and just finished reading the entire Bible, so expect to hear from me soon.

1 comment:

Bobby Brown said...

I liked the Cold War Kids album, as you can see here:

I guess I see the reviewer's point, it's not exactly new ground or anything, but I only hear 2 or 3 cds a year that are completely original, and there are much worse offenders out there.

That guy sounded like some indie kid from the village that hates everything because it's popular.

Then again, I don't ever pay for cds, so it was worth everything I paid for.

And- I think the new NIN is awful. The marketing scheme is pretty cool though.