Thank goodness I didn't waste my money. I had to go see Cloverfield, just because you all know how much I hate having shit spoiled for me. I had truly not expected to be impressed, but I really was.
I won't say much (again, keeping the spoilers at bay), but I will say the following:
The action was great. I do, however, feel for anyone who was in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001 and then sees this movie - the first 30 minutes were way too reminiscent of that morning. The filmmakers were classy enough about it to keep from being offensive, but man, it was tense in that theater.
On the other hand, unexpectedly, it was quite funny. Hud, the character holding the camera, starts out as a doofus, and never quite grows out of it. And there's nothing better in the middle of a disaster than a doofus making stupid comments...
--"What the hell is that?"
--Hud: "Something terrible."
--"And what's that?"
--Hud: "Somthing else, also terrible."
Lastly, let me say for the record - I totally fucking called it. Then again, maybe it was pretty obvious. All the same, to be safe, I should have put these next few lines up on here four weeks ago:
History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men.
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