I’m not highly photogenic. No self deprecation there, it’s just the way it is. My Irish face lends itself to round cheeks and a double chin no matter how much weight I lose. Also, I see a camera and am completely unable to appear natural.
So, going through my pictures recently (both photo and digital), I notice that (a) there are few of me, since they’re all taken with my camera, and (b) the ones of me aren’t all that great – many are from my holding the camera pointed at myself and the little lady with scenic locales in the background.
It’s kind of a bummer. I’m not at mid-life yet, but not too far from it, and I have few really good pictures of myself.
OK, OK, I know – disgustingly narcissistic. But it’s not. A person needs things in life to attain a positive self image, and something that goes a long way is a great picture of yourself to look back to at sometimes.
So that I don’t wax too philosophical, here, I’ll give you an example. Here’s Rob from over at Murder by Baltimore:

It was taken with a disposable camera during a night of drinking in France. Everything about it is accidental. But it’s a very cool picture.
Exhibit Number Two – Eve at Winning is for Losers:

This picture isn’t even the one I was going to use, but another picture she used to have up is no more. Still, even such a candid shot is better than most of the crap I have of myself.
So what’s my point? My point is that you, my friends, need to step it up. I need you to be active shutterbugs when we’re together. Moreover, I need you to share. Take some candid shots of me, especially in the rare event that I to actually look cool or do something cool. Then send it to me.
Please. This ugly mug needs some redressing.
So, going through my pictures recently (both photo and digital), I notice that (a) there are few of me, since they’re all taken with my camera, and (b) the ones of me aren’t all that great – many are from my holding the camera pointed at myself and the little lady with scenic locales in the background.
It’s kind of a bummer. I’m not at mid-life yet, but not too far from it, and I have few really good pictures of myself.
OK, OK, I know – disgustingly narcissistic. But it’s not. A person needs things in life to attain a positive self image, and something that goes a long way is a great picture of yourself to look back to at sometimes.
So that I don’t wax too philosophical, here, I’ll give you an example. Here’s Rob from over at Murder by Baltimore:

It was taken with a disposable camera during a night of drinking in France. Everything about it is accidental. But it’s a very cool picture.
Exhibit Number Two – Eve at Winning is for Losers:

This picture isn’t even the one I was going to use, but another picture she used to have up is no more. Still, even such a candid shot is better than most of the crap I have of myself.
So what’s my point? My point is that you, my friends, need to step it up. I need you to be active shutterbugs when we’re together. Moreover, I need you to share. Take some candid shots of me, especially in the rare event that I to actually look cool or do something cool. Then send it to me.
Please. This ugly mug needs some redressing.
ooo i have one:
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