Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here's what I've been reduced to, every night:

5:45 pm - Arrive home from work, let dog into yard to pee. Drink an entire beer. Change clothes.

6:00 pm - Pour another beer into awesome Nalgene flask the girlfriend bought me and take the dog for a walk.

7:00 pm - Realize there's no more beer on person, walk home.

7:15 pm - Open more beer, feed dog.

7:30 pm to 9:00ish - Continue drinking beer while simultaneoulsy fending off the dog's constant neediness. Maybe play with dog while drinking more beer.

9:00 pm - Realize I had plans to accomplish X, Y, Z simple tasks this evening. Realize I'm too bored and booze-tired to bother. Eat leftovers.

10:00 pm - Play with dog more - she won't allow otherwise. Shower.

10:45 pm - Climb into bed thinking I'm going to read multiple chapters of this novel and finally relax.

10:52 pm - Tumble into another night of fitful, restless sleep.


1 comment:

Suz said...

maybe you should try giving the dog some beer :)